Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

And it's a challenge to get Caroline to SMILE for a Christmas card photo...

First date!

Caroline recently went on her first car date! This is her friend "E" who is our neighbor and is about 1 month older. Miss Independence decided that SHE would drive, so she picked him up and they drove around the yard together. During their date, they stopped for pizza and juice boxes. They both had a lot of fun until she pushed him out of the car because she wanted to drive solo... :-0

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Go Terps!!!

We took Caroline to see the Terps beat up on Wake yesterday and had an absolute BLAST! She had so much fun clapping and cheering with the crowd and dancing when the band played. The day's BIG WIN made the day perfect - GO TERPS!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fall Hike

In early October of each year, we head up to Thurmont, MD to enjoy the great outdoors. This is now Caroline's third year - although the first time we took her, we had just found out that we were pregnant, so that didn't really count! Last year, she was only 4.5 months old. Now she's 16 months and can REALLY enjoy everything: hiking, Aunt Karen's awesome camper, the playgrounds, the Cactoctin Mountain Orchards, etc. The weather was perfect and we had a fantastic day playing outside!
After we hiked and played at the playground, we headed over to the Catoctin Orchard to pick pumpkins and explore some more fall fun!

We almost lost her in the hay bale maze - her hair blended in a little too well!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

12 Month Photoshoot

It's always so hard to choose just one shot! Here are 3 of the 20 or so that we selected!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Caroline's mop finally got to me and we made an appointment to have it cut yesterday! I've been putting it off for too long (mostly because i didn't want her to look like a boy with a shorter cut!) Here is the before - pretty bad, huh?
We both donned capes, and then she sat very quietly and watched herself in the mirror:

And the after shots (which I forgot to take as we were leaving the salon so this is a few hours later.) MUCH better! Only slightly boyish, no?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Biker Babe

Another awesome hand-me-down from Aunt Karen - a bike seat! We have been having a blast riding now that the weather is a little more tolerable!